In addition to installing new wallpaper, Scenic Wallpaper can also remove, restore and reinstall wallpaper, whether in the same location, a new location or on boards to hang as artwork. Services go beyond straight installation of wallpaper, to include simple cleaning and/or damage repair, as well as the restoration and preservation of rare and historic papers.
John and Jim have worked with many antique papers and have trained their team to implement the best possible practices to restore valuable and historic papers so that they can be reinstalled and enjoyed for many more years to come.
Cleaning and repair
Careful cleaning can add years to the life of a scenic wallpaper. John’s team will painstakingly clean even the most delicate of handblocked or handpainted papers and they can make both small and extensive repairs to damaged paper.
Antique wallpaper in the process of being cleaned
To see more photos and info about this job, click HERE.
Antique wallpaper in the process of being cleaned
To see more photos and info about this job, click HERE.
Antique wallpaper in the process of being cleaned
To see more photos and info about this job, click HERE.
Antique wallpaper in the process of being cleaned
Scenic Wallpaper has restored entire rooms of valuable artwork. Here are some examples of commonly requested types of restoration:
Repairs after leaks
Quite possibly the most commonly requested restoration is repair after a leak, either in the wall or a ceiling. John's team will remove the paper so that the leak can be fixed and the walls repaired as necessary. After the walls and/or ceiling have dried completely, the paper can be rehung and restoration can begin.
Before restoration
After restoration
Before restoration
After restoration
Before restoration
After restoration
Before restoration
After restoration
Before restoration
After restoration
To see more photos and info about this antique restoration job, click HERE.
Before restoration
After restoration
Before restoration
After restoration
Before restoration
After restoration
Before restoration
After restoration
Before restoration
After restoration
Before restoration
After restoration
To see more photos and info about this antique restoration job, click HERE.
Before restoration
After restoration
To see more photos and info about this antique restoration job, click HERE.
Before restoration
After restoration
Before restoration
After restoration
Before restoration
After restoration
Before restoration
After restoration
Before restoration
After restoration
Before restoration
After restoration
To see more photos and info about this restoration job, click HERE.
Before restoration
After restoration
Before restoration
After restoration
In the example below, the water damage was fixed and the thermostat was also replaced. Our artist painted the scene over the new thermostat, enhancing the continuity of the scene. You can see more examples of this type of artwork here.
Arresting mold
Mold problems are common in the aftermath of a leak. John and his assistants can clean mold from some papers, but when that's not possible, they can install new sections of paper which can then be painted to match the original paper. In the example below, a leak behind the paper caused the paper to buckle and mold spots quickly appeared on the front of the paper. John removed the damaged paper, installed a section on new plain paper, and then the artist in-painted the scene again.
Filling in Cracks
Sometimes antique wallpapers may develop cracks in the seams, corners, or other areas which can be filled in and in-painted to disguise the repairs.
Before restoration, cracks in wallpaper
After filling in cracks
After in-painting and restoration
Before restoration, cracks in wallpaper
After filling in cracks
After in-painting restoration
After filling in cracks
After in-painting and restoration
To see more photos and info about this job, click HERE.
Loose or torn paper
John's assistants have years of experience successfully completing repairs both small and severe. Normal wear sometimes means small scuffs or tears that are easily repaired. However, even very badly damaged paper can probably be repaired. In the examples below, antique papers had suffered years of neglect and John and his team were able to restore them to a beautiful condition.
Before restoration
After restoration
Before restoration
After restoration
Before restoration
After restoration
Before restoration
After restoration
To see more photos and info about this job, click HERE.
To see more photos and info about this job, click HERE.
Restored and remounted on boards for artwork
One way to rescue valuable wallpaper is to remove it and reinstall it on boards, which can then be hung as artwork. In the instance below, a family wanted to preserve the wallpaper chosen for a family home that was being sold. John was able to successfully remove the paper, including sections of paper cut for doors. It was then cleaned, and years of cigarette smoke were lifted off. After cleaning, the family agreed the paper had almost returned to its original coloration. Then, John and his assistants reinstalled the scenes on more than a dozen boards to be shared by various family members.
Creating screens from antique wallpaper is a great way to preserve the paper and to create a highly versatile design element that can be reused over and over. Click on the thumbnail below to see more examples of boards and screens.
For more information, call (212) 496-6135 or email