1 Christopher Street Lobby - After Restoration
1 Christopher Street, a 16 story mixed-use building designed by Van War & Wein architects, was built in 1931 on the corner of Greenwich Ave and Christopher Street in Manhattan’s West Village. The building and the neighborhood are landmarked. The West Village is a charming, historic neighborhood known for it’s tree-lined streets and classics brownstones and pre-war buildings, of which 1 Christopher Street is a prime example.
The ownership of the building contacted Scenic Wallpaper in the early 2000s after they had purchased about 40 mid-century vintage stock panels from the Gracie warehouse, which had never previously been installed anywhere. We planned and completed the installation, fitting the vintage wallpaper into the space in the building’s front entrance and lobby.
Original Installation
Original Installation
Original Installation
Original Installation
Original Installation
Original Installation
1 Christopher Street Lobby - Original Installation
Twenty years later, they contacted us again when they decided to freshen up the lobby, paint the trim, remove an old air-conditioning unit, and add a doorway..
We removed two large walls of wallpaper and re-installed them after the construction was finished. This included filling in the space where the air-conditioning unit had been using pieces of wallpaper taken from the wall where the new door had been installed. These pieces had to be blended in with the existing paper.
Before Reinstallation
Before Reinstallation
Before Reinstallation
Before Removal - This is where the air-conditioner had previously been
After Removal, Before Reinstallation and Restoration
Before Reinstallation
Before Reinstallation
Before Reinstallation
Added Door - Before Restoration
Before Restoration
After reinstallation, we cleaned the wallpaper and added artwork to blend in the added pieces, as well as to fix existing damage from twenty years of use. This included water damage from several leaks that had occured over the years, as well as improper cleaning near the elevator buttons, several areas that had worn down from furniture rubbing against the paint, and general wear and tear.
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
Before Restoration
After Restoration
After Restoration
After Restoration
After Restoration
After Restoration
After Restoration
After Restoration
After Restoration
After Restoration
After Restoration